The Extent to Which Obesity and Population Nutrition Are Considered by Institutional Investors Engaged in Responsible Investment in Australia – A Review of Policies and Commitments | Frontiers in Psychology Journal

23 December 2020

This paper, published in the Australian academic journal Frontiers in Psychology, investigates the extent to which obesity prevention and population nutrition are considered by Australian institutional investors engaged in responsible investment.

The article references ATNI’s work with Australian investors such as AMP Capital, one of our Investor Signatories, as well as ATNI’s Indexes. Results of this study indicate that 18 of the 35 investors studied adopted investment strategies that considered issues related to obesity and nutrition, by taking into account either the healthiness of food manufacturers’ product portfolios or their nutrition policies and practices.

“AMP Capital and Local Government Super also reported engaging with companies around generally improving policies and practices related to obesity and population nutrition and discussed how they were using the findings of the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) in their engagement with companies.”

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