Media Coverage of the India Index 2020 Thematic Chapters
2 March 2021This article covers the launch of the deep-dive thematic chapters of the India Index 2020, reporting the words of Dr. Rajan Sankar, member of ATNI’s board and Director of Nutrition at TATA Trusts: “The in-depth thematic results and analysis published by ATNI today provides practical and actionable recommendations that must be taken on board by India’s largest food and beverage companies. If companies are to fulfill their role of providing accessible and affordable healthy food to all they must take action, particularly in the challenging context of the Covid-19 pandemic, where good nutrition for all is essential as the changing situation advances and new challenges emerge.”
This article includes a short summary of each of the seven thematic chapters of the India Index published by ATNI in February 2021, namely governance, accessibility and affordability, marketing, healthy eating and lifestyles of employees, labeling, and engagement.
The article highlights that ATNI’s analysis outlines how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the nutrition landscape of the country and how the 16 largest food and beverage manufacturers in India are responding to the Covid-19 pandemic .

This article provides a short overview of ATNI’s unique thematic findings, highlighting that current industry efforts are not sufficient to match the scale of the nutrition challenge that India faces and that companies can and should do more to tackle malnutrition in the country.
The article draws attention to the online launch event which ATNI is currently organising for a variery of stakeholders with the aim of discussing findings of the thematic chapters as well as of the India-specific findings of ATNI’s third quarterly report on Covid-19 and nutrition, also published in February 2021.
Further coverage of ATNI’s India Index Thematic Chapters can be found online via Chennai Glitz, B4UMedia, and Hot News Express. The thematic chapters were also extensively covered in local print media such as Free Press Gujarat (reported here on the left), The Assam Post, The Meghalaya Guardian, The North East Times, and The Hills Times.