ATNI works closely with its stakeholders from companies and investors to policy makers and consumer groups to reshape the world’s food systems. ATNI has helped generate a number of key outcomes that now help consumers access healthy diets, but there is much more to do.

ATNI employs a three-tiered approach to delivering impact.

We design, produce and deliver robust research we partner with other likeminded organizations and we innovate and communicate to influence.

Our impact is also focused on three levels:

  • Systems level – driving markets to empower access to affordable and healthy diets.
  • Product level – ensuring half of companies’ food & beverage sales are derived from ‘healthy’ products.
  • Population level – reducing the prevalence of diet related diseases and improving health for all.

ATNI transforms markets and improves private sector accountability and actions for nutrition.

ATNI drives market transformation to ensure half of all packaged food products sold by 2030 are sustainable, affordable and form part of a “healthy” diet. Nutritious and affordable diets enable optimal physical and mental development, underpin resilient societies and alleviate the burden from diet related diseases.

ATNI improves market performance by challenging key actors in the food system – starting with industry – to accelerate access to affordable, nutritious food for all, especially for society’s most vulnerable.

In 2013, ATNI was founded as a not-for-profit organization to improve nutrition around the globe by assessing the private sector and driving companies to improve access to nutritious and affordable food. ​Since then we have worked tirelessly to measure performance and to push for improvement and change. We are proud of the progress made in areas such as marketing to children but we are pushing for more.

Impact Stories

ATNI’s approach to market transformation is mapped through our theory of change.

2023 saw the launch of an updated strategy and theory of change. The five year strategy will see ATNI continuing to publish its flagship Indexes while doubling down on its efforts to engage investors, policy makers and other levers of positive change to speed up progress towards sustained market transformation.


Our Theory of Change

ATNI’s 10 years of impact has been visualized in a timeline, check it out below.

ATNI was established in 2013 calling on the world’s largest food & beverage manufacturers to address global nutrition challenges. Since then, ATNI has helped scrutinize private sector impact on the healthiness of the food people eat around the world, assessing over 250 food and beverage manufacturers, producing nearly 50 indexes and providing independent measurement on corporate behavior in this space.

We are proud of the impact we’ve had — and with a new 2023-2027 strategy in place — excited about the impact we can have on markets so nutritious foods are more available for all. With your support we can transform food systems and accelerate progress on healthy diets, sustainably and affordably.

10 Year Timeline



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