As well as producing global rankings of the largest food and beverage manufacturers in the world, the Access to Nutrition Foundation also examines the nutrition-related polices, practices and disclosures of the leading companies in specific markets, in a ranking known as the ‘Spotlight Index’.

India was the first country to be selected as a Spotlight Country as it has a rapidly developing food and beverage sector and is facing a double burden of malnutrition. In 2016, ATNF produced the first India Spotlight Index. One of the key findings of this study was that the ten largest food and beverage manufacturers in India were falling short of what they needed to do to fight the enduring and mounting nutrition challenges the country faces. ATNF recommended that all companies assessed increase their efforts to promote healthy, balanced diets across India. But how have they been doing since then?

While India has shown some improvement in reducing child stunting, it is still home to 46.6 million stunted children. In 2017, malnutrition was the top cause of death and disability. All the while, India is set to become the third largest market for packaged food by 2020.

The Indian Government and notably its Food Safety and Standards Authority have since started a number of nutrition initiatives in India. All linked to the ‘Eat Right India Movement’ to promote eating safe, healthy and fortified foods.

With the continued challenges and above efforts to address them in mind, ATNF is currently planning the second edition of the India Spotlight Index which is due to be released later this year. In November, ATNF’s Senior Program Manager, Mark Wijne and Research Analyst, Osien Kuumar travelled to India to meet with various stakeholders across the country to kick off the process. Several critical points for the next iteration of the Index were covered in the meetings, including a discussion on the methodology, the topics covered and how the Index can have most added value for stakeholders.

More will be revealed about the India Spotlight Index in the coming months, including the updated methodology for the Index. For now, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to

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