BMS Index 2024





Type of ownership


Estimated percentage of Lactalis's global F&B sales from BMS


Estimated percentage of Lactalis's global baby food sales from BMS


Company also assessed in:

CF Index 2024

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BMS Marketing
Score 2024
Average score Highest score
Corporate Profile


The research findings regarding companies’ performance in this Index are based on information shared by companies or gathered by service providers, in addition to information that is available in the public domain.

The level of detail and comprehensiveness of information shared by companies and gathered through external service providers varied. In the case of limited or no engagement by companies, this Index may not represent the full extent of their efforts. Similarly, in the case of limited data collected by service providers, the findings of this Index may not provide a comprehensive representation of company practices.

ATNI’s research and Indexes do not assess compliance with local regulations or laws, but rather assess private sector performance against international standards and guidance.

BMS Country Studies

Country assessments were carried out in China, Germany, Indonesia, Viet Nam and the U.S.. As Lactalis does not sell BMS products in either of the selected countries, it was not assessed on this component.

BMS Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

The Corporate Profile component of the BMS and CF Marketing Indexes 2024 evaluates the extent to which a company’s policies align with various provisions of the Code, the effectiveness of its related management systems as well as the company’s level of disclosure on commitments relating to BMS marketing. Lactalis’s BMS marketing commitments were assessed across 11 topics that cover different aspects of the Code on which the company scored an average of 0.52%. This score is equivalent to the company’s initial overall Corporate Profile score before a geographic penalty (if applicable) is applied to each BMS product type. The final Corporate Profile score considers how the company’s BMS marketing commitments are applied for the different BMS product types sold by the company, and across different markets. As Lactalis sells infant formula, follow-up formula, and growing-up milks, the company’s application of BMS commitments was evaluated for each product type, as shown in the next section on ‘Geographic application of BMS commitments by product type’. The scores and findings on each topic are described in further detail in the section below on ‘BMS Commitments by Topic’.

Geographic application by Lactalis of BMS commitments by product type

The table below shows the percentage of product sales where commitments are upheld and the geographic penalty applied to each type of BMS. The penalty ranges from 0% up to 90% depending on whether a company fully upholds its BMS marketing commitments in all or none of the countries in which it operates, respectively, where national Code regulations are absent or less stringent than the company’s policies and standards.

Corporate Profile
score before
Percentage of Lactalis’s global sales from markets where BMS commitments are upheld Geographic
penalty applied
Final Corporate
Profile score
0.5% Infant
0% 90% 0.1%
0% 90%
0% 90%
Commitments are upheld
Upheld for all products in this category - without exception - globally
Upheld for some products in this category - without exception - globally
Upheld for all products in this category - without exception - only in some markets
Upheld for some products in this category, and only in some markets
Not upheld for this product category in any market
No policy found in the public domain nor shared by the company, therefore no information on how commitments are upheld

No information was found in the public domain nor shared by the company describing how BMS marketing commitments are upheld for each product type and in which markets. Therefore, the corresponding geographic penalty for each product type (infant formula, follow-up formula, and growing-up milk) is the maximum of 90% and the final Corporate Profile score is 0.05%.

Infant formula

The corresponding geographic penalty for this product type is the maximum of 90%.

Follow-up formula

The corresponding geographic penalty for this product type is the maximum of 90%.

Growing-up milk

The corresponding geographic penalty for this product type is the maximum of 90%.

ATNI calls on Lactalis to develop and/or publish a BMS marketing policy that fully aligns with the wording of the Code, in addition to upholding the relevant national regulations in markets where it operates. The policy should also cover all milks that are specifically marketed for feeding infants and young children from birth up to the age of three years, and it should be applied in all markets in which the company operates in.

Topics Overview

Average score Highest score
These represent the initial overall scores before applying the penalty.

BMS commitments by topic

Most topics include assessments on both policy commitments and management systems, except for the topic on ‘Implementation and Monitoring’, which mostly considers management systems, and the topic ‘Overarching Commitments’, which considers policy commitments only. A separate topic assesses the level of disclosure and transparency practiced by companies on the different aspects of the Code.

Select one of the 11 topics from the drop-down menu below.
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