Oil Supplier Index 2025
Assessing ten of the world's largest oil suppliers on their TFA and PHO commitments, performance and disclosures
Oils and fats are essential in cooking practices across the globe. However, certain fats, like trans fatty acids (TFA) and partially hydrogenated oils (PHO), pose serious health risks such as increased risk of heart attacks and death. Therefore, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the policies and practices adopted by edible oil manufacturers and suppliers to ensure that populations worldwide have access to safe and healthy products.
Mandatory TFA policies are currently in effect in 60 countries which together hold 55.4% of the world population. Of these, 56 countries have best-practice policies in effect, covering only 46% of the world’s population. WHO considers two approaches taken together to be best practice:
1) restricting the intake of TFA (iTFA) to 2g per 100g of total fat and
2) banning Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs).
At the industry level, progress and commitments to remove and eliminate TFA have been made by some of the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturers. However, PHOs or altered oils meant for human consumption are still being produced and used in countries with weak or no regulations e.g. Sub-Saharan Africa, South America and Southwest and Southeast Asia. As suppliers of PHOs, edible oil manufacturers/suppliers should be held to account for the production and sales of PHO and be transparent about their practices to prevent its presence in the global food supply chain.
This project expands on the Access to Nutrition initiative’s (ATNi) efforts to encourage the private sector to contribute to improved health outcomes by eliminating partially hydrogenated oils from the food supply chain. It additionally furthers work that ATNi carried out on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO) to monitor 11 of the largest global food and beverage manufacturers (all IFBA members at the time) on their commitment to eliminate iTFA to <2g per 100g of fat and oils in their full product portfolios.
Project Overview
To contribute to global efforts to eliminate PHOs from the global supply chain and advance the production of safe, healthy, and affordable nutritious foods, ATNi will assess the TFA and PHO commitments, performance and disclosures of ten of the world’s largest edible oil producers.
- ATNi will develop a contextualised version of its existing company policy and commitment methodology to assess companies on their PHO, iTFA and broader nutrition practices and policies.
- The developed Oil Supplier Index will be applied to assess 10 companies.
- The project will be complemented by desk research, stakeholder consultations with experts, and the establishment of an advisory group to support the project in meeting its intended objectives.
- We will additionally conduct deep dives into the practices of oil suppliers in two specific markets, Egypt and India, and present findings in the form of case studies.
- Where possible, we will engage and inform the national counterparts of our intended activities.
The findings of the Oil Supplier Index and case studies are projected to reach and engage with the private sector, investors and government on a global and a national scale (where applicable), by providing evidence and information on:
- Policies and practices pertaining to PHO elimination in the (food) value chain
- Public commitments and initiatives to support elimination of PHOs from global (food) value chain
- Company nutrition and trans-fat governance and management
- Marketing and labelling
This project is funded by Resolve to Save Lives (RTSL).
The projected timeline for this project is April 2024 – June 2025.
The project team consists of Nadine Nasser (research lead), Geert van Poppel (consultant, Sr. TFA Technical Advisor), and Bo-jane Woods (project manager).
For more information linked to the project, please reach out to:
Bo-jane Woods: bo-jane.woods@atni.org