Change Agent Companies
ATNi has a unique relationship with the companies we assess. We remain completely independent, and have never received any funding from the private sector. While we approach companies to share data during the assessment process, there is no opt-out clause; companies are assessed if they meet our criteria, even if they do not choose to engage with us.
We assess companies producing 23% of processed and packaged foods globally. These companies have enormous power to shape the food environment, and we recognise that they can and need to be change agents companies. If the largest companies improve their practices, they can serve as examples to others. These companies also have the resources to invest in new research and development for healthier products, as well as improvements in labelling and other good practices.
While the scale and scope of global nutrition challenges are significant, ATNi’s approach recognises that business shapes the food environment. Not engaging does not improve practices. ATNi aims to help businesses understand how they can make a tangible impact on their nutrition practices through ranking, recommendations, and suggestions for improvement.
ATNi’s approach emphasises responsible action and continuous improvement in companies’ commitments to nutrition, from the healthiness of product portfolios to creating incentives at the executive level to deliver on nutrition targets. As a neutral third party, ATNi provides data to companies to support them in adopting responsible business practices, embedding health and nutrition goals into their core strategies and operations.
Challenges such as food insecurity, malnutrition, and the growing prevalence of diet-related diseases cannot be solved without action from the private sector. ATNi provides the evidence and tools to help companies deliver effective outcomes.
For food and beverage companies seeking to lead in nutrition, ATNi provides a template for change:
- Evaluating where the company is in terms of supporting access to affordable, nutritious diets
- Providing a roadmap best practices for creating ambitious, measurable targets,
- Requesting disclosure what they are doing, so that consumer and investors can make informed choices.
ATNi provides a way forward to businesses to improve their commitments to nutrition. However, we know that business cannot act alone, that is why our work with policy makers, investors , and other partners is also critical.
Check out our company scorecards