Government action is needed to create and implement effective policies to incentivise markets to deliver healthier, affordable, and sustainable foods.

ATNi recognises that nutrition cannot be decoupled from planetary health. In alignment with the Nourishing framework, ATNi’s policy priorities favour those that provide co-benefits for human health, the environment, society, and the economy, while minimising trade-offs.  We increasingly realise that voluntary actions by companies will only go so far, and that increased regulation is also needed. We focus on policies that can create a level playing field for companies, as well as policies for healthier food environments.

How ATNi engages with policies and policy makers:

ATNi shares research findings with policymakers to increase understanding of what action companies are taking to improve diets, and where regulation is needed.

What does this look like in practice? In Vietnam, collaborating with UNICEF and Alive and Thrive, ATNi launched their breastmilk substitute and complementary feeding index to the government, highlighting what government is doing well, where government regulation could be strengthened.

ATNi also provides thought leadership on food policies, sparking dialogue around key policy topics:

  • Obesity rates continue to rise globally, however efforts to reverse the trend have proved challenging. One promising avenue is taxing foods high in fat, salt and sugar. Do these taxes work to improve health outcomes?
  • Environment, social and governance frameworks are voluntary, or mandatory sets of indicators which companies must report on to show how their company works on issues related to the environment, society and governance. However, these frameworks almost never include nutrition. How can we change that?
  • Food and beverage companies are actively lobbying governments for less regulation or policies which support their activities. Are they engaging in a transparent, consistent, legitimate and accountable way with policy makers? If not, what policies would create more transparency?

For more information on ATNi’s policy work, please reach out to Katherine Pittore, Policy and Communication Lead, at

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