
Join us for the fourth webinar in Access to Nutrition initiative's (ATNi) Policy Fix series ‘Strategies to increase access to affordable, nutritious food'

In this webinar, we’re exploring the challenge of food affordability, including the role food retailers can play in driving access to affordable nutritious diets in both high income and middle-income markets, focusing on Southeast Asia. We often hear that affordability is one of the key factors limiting people from eating healthier diets. What are concrete solutions that have been shown to work?

We will start by zooming out, considering the challenges consumers face in accessing a healthy diet, globally. From there we will dive into an exploration of policies which have been shown to improve the affordability of nutritious diets, in high income contexts (Canada and Australia) and emerging markets in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia). Speakers will include Dr. Catherine L. Mah, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Promoting Healthy Populations in the School of Health Administration at Dalhousie University & Elaine Q Borazon, Assistant Professor at National Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan. The event will be moderated by Krista Kruft, Senior Partnership Advisor at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation.


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