
Access to Nutrition initiative (ATNi) and the Financial Times (FT) invite you to an exclusive webinar titled, "The Private Sector's Role in Global Nutrition: Leveraging Policies, Investments, and Accountability for Better Food Environments," dedicated to the launch of ATNi's 5th Global Nutrition Index. The event will be moderated by Simon Mundy, Moral Money Editor at the Financial Times, and Greg Garrett, Executive Director at the Access to Nutrition Initiative. Other speakers include Rachel Crossley, Head of Stewardship for Europe at BNP Paribas Asset Management, John Schoonbee, Global Chief Medical Officer at Swiss Re, and Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, President and CEO of ONE Campaign. During this session, they will explore how companies can prioritize the healthiness of their product portfolios and integrate nutrition into their core business strategies. With a special focus on emerging economies, the discussion will also examine the role of investors in encouraging businesses to adopt better nutrition practices within their ESG metrics. The webinar will take place on November 7th, 2024, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM GMT.

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