
On June 1st there will be a webinar, hosted by The Consumer Goods Forum and presented by Workforce Nutrition Alliance, focusing on how the four pillars of workforce nutrition programmes - healthy food at work, nutrition education, nutrition health checks and breastfeeding support - can help improve staff retention, absenteeism, and worksite productivity while also contributing to better benchmarking scores and addressing ESG concerns. Our Research Director Mark Wijne will be presenting and you will get to learn more about ATNi, our overall new strategy, details of the 2023 India Index and the Global Index 2024, which reference the importance of workforce nutrition in their assessments. In addition, Dr Diana Han, MD Chief Health and Wellbeing Officer from Unilever and Chavanne Hanson, Food Choice Architecture and Nutrition Manager from Google will share their best practices for monitoring, measuring and reporting the impact of their workforce nutrition programmes in alignment with international benchmarking initiatives.

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