The key pillars of Access to Nutrition Foundation's approach to governance are listed below:

The Stichting Access to Nutrition Foundation is based in Utrecht, The Netherlands, which is a registered charity in The Netherlands (known as ANBI-status). ATNF is governed by an independent and unpaid Board. For more information about our Principles of Engagement with industry, click here.

Conflict of Interest policy 
ATNF operates under a strict Conflict of Interest policy. All our activities are managed, controlled, and communicated with complete independence from the food and beverage industry, including but not limited to food and beverage producers (such as breast milk suppliers), food retailers, and out-of-home establishments. We do not accept financial contributions from these sources, offer consultancy services to them, or engage in any other financial relationships with them. ATNF is funded by donors who have no involvement in our day-to-day operations. More information about our Conflict of Interest policy is available here.

Gift policy
The purpose of the ATNF Gift Policy is to establish guidelines for giving and receiving gifts, hospitality, and
other benefits to and from external parties by employees, experts, consultants, contractors, board
members and any other representatives of ATNF. The policy can be downloaded here.

Anti-bribery policy
At ATNF we are committed to conducting all of our activities with integrity, transparency, and fairness. The Anti-Bribery Policy is designed to prevent bribery and corruption in all forms as we engage with stakeholders, including the food industry, investors, policymakers, and other partners. This policy can be downloaded here.

Whistleblower policy
The ATNF Whistleblower policy is to encourage employees, board members, consultants and other stakeholders to raise any serious concerns they may have about the way in which ATNF is run or about the conduct of those involved running it. This policy can be downloaded here.

Code of Conduct and Ethics policy
The ATNF Code of Conduct and Ethics policy sets out the fundamental principles and standards that ATNF strives to maintain, and as a guide to the actions and decisions of all those working with and for ATNF. The Code of Conduct & Ethics Policy applies to all ATNF’s Staff, board members, consultants and other stakeholders who have a contractual relationship with ATNF. It can be downloaded here.

Strategic plan
ATNF has set out a long-term strategy for 2023 – 2027. To learn more about our strategy and Theory of Change, please visit our Impact page.

Remuneration policy
ATNF pays its staff a market-based salary and benefit package. The salary and employment conditions of the Executive Director, who is a member of the Board ex officio, are determined by the Board. Besides the Executive Director of the Foundation, no members of the Board and Expert Group receive remuneration for the fulfilment of their responsibilities to the Foundation.

Chamber of Commerce
The Stichting Access to Nutrition Foundation is registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under registration number 58279199 and RSIN 852961662. ATNF has its registered seat in Arthur van Schendelstraat 650, 3511 MJ, Utrecht.

Articles of Association
For an overview of the ATNF’s Articles of Association, download the Deed of Incorporation here.

Annual report and financial statements

  • Download the 2023 Annual Report here.
  • Download the 2022 Annual Report here.
  • Download the 2021 Annual Report here.
  • Download the 2020 Annual Report here.

Privacy Statement
ATNF is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who visit our website, our Privacy Statement can be found here.

Legal name
Next to our full legal name, Stichting Access to Nutrition Foundation, the acronym ATNF is also used in all formal documents, whereas ATNi is our brand name and used in daily communications.


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