How we work
ATNi actively challenges the food industry, engaging with companies, investors and policy makers to shape healthier food systems.
Spotlighting the practices of food companies
We rank large food companies and retailors, as well as producers of breastmilk substitutes and complementary foods, highlighting best practices, and areas for improvement, on their commitment to supply nutritious, sustainable products, and adhere to global best practices. We invite companies to engage with the research process, but there is no ‘opt out’; companies that decide not to engage are still assessed based on publicly available information.
Guiding institutional investors
We provide investors with the data they need to make investment decisions which support long term health and wellbeing, by only investing in companies with strong commitments to delivering more nutritious foods. We show nutrition is a material issue for companies, and give investors the data they need to make informed decisions about company’s commitments to affordable, nutritious and sustainable foods.
Informing food environment policies
We support policy makers with data to shape policies to make healthier and sustainable foods more accessible. We know that policy and regulation are a key in shaping markets to deliver nutritious, affordable foods. We show where voluntary regulation is not working and highlight areas where mandatory policies are needed.
Supporting civil society organisations
We engage with consumer rights groups, and other civil society organisations, working to create healthier and more sustainable foods systems. We arm these groups with the evidence and data they need to pressure on companies, investors and policymakers.
While we believe that industry has the power to improve the food system, we remain completely independent and do not accept funding from the food and beverage industry.
What does this look like in practice?
In 2024 we assessed more than 52,000 products sold by 30 of the largest food and beverage companies. Together these companies produce an estimated 23% of all packaged food and beverage products sold in formal markets, globally. We found only 34% of sales comes from products that meet standards for healthier products.
We are aiming to change this. We want to see at least 50% of product sales meeting standards for healthier products 2030.
We work with companies to encourage them to use a government endorsed nutrient profile model to measure and report on the healthiness of their product portfolio.
We also aim to create more alignment in the sector around a limited number of nutrient profile models which can be widely used by all companies, making it easier for investors, consumers and policymakers to the healthiness of companies’ product offerings.
Children’s food environments, and the food marketing landscape around the world, are dominated by promotions for unhealthy products. Effective marketing restrictions are a powerful tool to safeguard children’s right to a healthier future.
We are working with companies, and policy makers to make stronger regulations about what can, and cannot, be marketed to children under 18.
Affordability, specifically of healthier products, is crucial for people to consume healthier diets and improve their nutritional outcomes.
We advise companies on how to add affordability targets for nutritious products, and to better support low-income consumers to access healthier foods. We also support policy measures to increase the affordability of healthier foods.
We know exclusive breastfeeding is the best food for for infants up to 6 months and support continued breastfeeding up to 2 years. We work to ensure that companies are adhering to the international Code on the marketing of breastmilk substitutes (WHO code of 1981 and subsequent relevant WHA resolutions).
We highlight which companies are in violation of the code, and work with governments to create policies which are supportive of breastfeeding.
We do this in partnership with civil society organizations, and governments.