Voices of Impact: Testimonials from Our Partners

Discover how ATNi’s mission to improve global nutrition is making an impact through the testimonials of our partners, collaborators, and stakeholders.

“Mechanisms like ATNi exist due to ongoing market failures and inconsistent disclosures. At Danone, we used ATNi to measure our progress on health, one of our corporate objectives, and the company continues to do so. ATNi is a great achievement as a metric for investors”
Emmanuel Faber, Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), Former CEO of Danone.

There is a global nutrition crisis today in which far too many children are not getting the nutrition they need. The Access to Nutrition initiative is a valuable player, encouraging action through much-needed transparency, accountability, and collaboration.”
– Andres Franco, Deputy Director, Multilateral Partnerships, UNICEF.

“Once again this ATNi global report provides the most authoritative assessment of the nutrition performance of the large food and drink companies. The good news is that the companies as a group are improving in terms of their healthy food offerings.  The bad news is that progress is slow and from a low base. At the current pace the companies will only get to a 50% of their products being healthy by 2036.”
Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director of Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)

Businesses are often considered to be part of the nutrition problem – however, we should not underestimate the role the private sector can and must play in ending malnutrition. Through its accountability tools ATNi plays an important role in holding the food and beverage industry to account and encouraging action”
– Gerda Verburg, Former UN Assistant Secretary General and Coordinator of the SUN Movement.

“Families around the world are struggling with poor nutrition and the food industry’s role is critical. We support the Access To Nutrition initiative as they help the sector improve the healthiness of its products and make nutritious foods accessible to all.”
Anneliese Dodds, UK Minister for Development at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

“We have benchmarked all in-scope products using the Health Star Rating (HSR) system – a nutrient profiling system applied by the Access to Nutrition initiative (ATNI) – and we have also disclosed sales from our wide range of specialized nutrition products, which are not covered by the HSR system”
Mark Schneider, former CEO of Nestlé.

“…The Access to Nutrition initiative already provides an excellent example of how to apply nutrient profiling to processed, packaged foods.”- Shawn Baker, USAID

Within FrieslandCampina, the results of the Access to Nutrition initiative are a valuable input to our discussions about policies and practices in the area of nutrition and health.” FrieslandCampina.

The Access to Nutrition indexes are an invaluable resource that will enable us to use our investment decision-making and engagement to push for change in a market where obesity is a material risk for investors and companies alike.Boston Common Asset Management

In the nutrition space, the @ATNIndex is the gold standard, as the only global organisation offering the right level of granularity, the credentials and the means to support demonstrating the impact of our sector’s commitments, says Renaldi.” – IFBA via Twitter. 

“In a few short years, ATNi has established itself as the definitive, go-to source for analysis and insight on the world’s leading manufacturers of breast-milk substitutes.”
Lucy Sullivan, Former Executive Director, 1,000 Days 

“The ATNi is very well regarded.  We are seeing more interest from  companies about how they score in the assessment.” Aberdeen Standard

Paulig supports the 2024 multistakeholder alignment initiative to standardize reporting on healthier products using transparent, science-based, and independent measures. Paulig already monitors and reports annually the relative healthiness of our global portfolio with Nutri-Score, guiding reformulation efforts towards 70% net sales from Nutri-Score A and B products by 2030. We aim to use insights from ATNi’s alignment initiative to enhance our reporting.“ – Paulig Group.

For too long, companies have hidden behind the excuse: “We can’t disclose our healthy sales because there’s no consensus on nutrient profiling models (NPMs).” Well, that excuse no longer flies. The ATNi report is crystal clear: there’s now consensus between scientists, investors, and businesses on which NPMs to use.” – Thomas Abrams, Responsible Investment and Health at ShareAction.

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