Tesco under fire for lack of action on obesity crisis | Financial Times

9 February 2021

This Financial Times article covers the shareholder resolution filed at Tesco, the largest UK retailer and one of the companies to be assessed in the forthcoming ATNI UK Retailer Index 2022, by a coalition of investors co-ordinated by ShareAction.

The resolution was driven by Tesco’s poor disclosure of their efforts to promote healthy diets: “A report published last year by the charity Access to Nutrition Initiative ranked Tesco behind M&S and Sainsbury’s for its reporting on areas including product formulation — changing ingredients to make them more healthy — and labelling. It added that all chains could do better and recommended they publish comprehensive strategies on diet, nutrition and health.”

The resolution, which asked the retailer to disclose the percentage of sales derived from healthier products, was the first health-based shareholder resolution filed at a FTSE100 company.

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