The relationship between voluntary product (re) formulation commitments and changes in the nutritional quality of products offered by the top packaged food and beverage companies in Canada from 2013 to 2017 | BMC Public Health

22 February 2022

This study examines changes in the nutritional quality of products offered by the largest 22 packaged food and beverage companies in Canada from 2013 to 2017, in relation to the strength of their product reformulation commitments and performance. Changes in overall product healthiness were assessed using the Health Star Rating (HSR) system.

Results include the following:

  • Significant reductions in calories, sodium, saturated fat in two companies’ portfolios were noted;
  • Increases in calories, sodium, saturated fat in four, three and eight companies’ portfolios, respectively, were noted;
  • Trans fats increased significantly in two companies’ portfolios;
  • Total and free sugars decreased significantly in four and five companies’ portfolios, respectively, and increased in one company’s portfolio; and
  • Overall, mean HSRs increased significantly for five companies’ product portfolios and were reduced in one company’s product portfolio.

These results support a shift from voluntary reformulation programs to regulatory action.


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