Nutrition Business Monitor Toolkit
About the NBM project
To support SMEs in the fight against malnutrition, ATNi initiated a 3-year project in April 2019 (ending March 2022), to design a voluntary self-assessment tool for SMEs called the Nutrition Business Monitor (NBM) in partnership with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). The aim of the tool is to evaluate the performance of SMEs on their commitments and practices related to increasing the affordability and accessibility of nutritious foods and beverages in their respective markets. The tool also produces a document of country- specific recommendations and information for each company, which is based on gaps and areas in need of improvement identified during completion of the tool.
The NBM tool was piloted by 46 SMEs in two Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) countries – Nigeria and Bangladesh – with the SUN Business Network (SBN).
NBM project page
About the NBM tool
The NBM tool is a voluntary self-assessment tool that seeks to improve the nutrition performance of SMEs operating in the manufacturing sector by evaluating companies self-reported nutrition-related business practices and generating recommendations based on gaps identified. The use of the NBM tool by SMEs in SUN Countries, accompanied by capacity building or other follow-up support, also strengthens engagement and accountability for the food and beverage industry’s actions and investments to promote better nutrition, prevent malnutrition, and tackle overweight and obesity, which is a growing concern in many countries.
Methodology of the NBM toolThe NBM tool consists of 27 scored and unscored indicators, grouped into 5 thematic areas – products & management, marketing, workforce programs, labelling, and engagement. Depending on the answer option selected, tailored recommendations – including relevant information and resources for follow-up – are generated. The tool and subsequent recommendations aim to identify the needs of SMEs and encourage them to adopt key learnings to improve their nutrition-related business practices. Furthermore, the tool can help organizations and networks seeking to support SMEs’ contributions to public health, such as industry associations, business networks, or financial institutions. Indicators linked to national standards or guidance, embedded within the tool’s methodology, can be adjusted to national contexts.

Download the NBM tool
The tool was piloted in two SUN Business Network countries – Nigeria and Bangladesh, adjusted to national context. 46 companies in total, ranging in size from micro- to relatively large, tested the tool: 23 in each country. ATNI has developed a generic open-access version of the tool that can be downloaded below.
Please click on the link below to download an open-access generic version of the tool. The tool is open to everyone that wishes to test it and see how their company performs in terms of nutrition.
Instructions on how to download the tool
NBM toolIf you are interested to receive further information on this project and future plans, please fill in the form below and we will get in contact with you.
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