Positive consultation meetings in the US

17 July 2014

In early July, ATNF held a series of consultations in the US to update stakeholders on progress since its launch and solicit input to the 2015 Global Index methodology. ATNF was hosted by  the International Food and Beverage Association (IFBA) in New York, enabling us to consult 13 US and Mexican companies. The World Bank hosted a session in Washington DC for 20 undernutrition specialists from a range of organisations including IFPRI, IFC, USAID, HKI. The slides and recording from this session are posted on the SecureNutrition website https://www.securenutritionplatform.org/Pages/AboutSeminar.aspx?CID=32

ATNF also met with the Rudd Center at Yale University and a group of obesity experts in the DC area, including the IoM, CFBAI, Convergence Center and The American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network. The consultations were very positive: participants strongly welcomed the opportunity to contribute to improving the ATNI methodology, and were supportive of the overall methodology and the Product Profile pilots carried out in Mexico, South Africa and India. The sessions yielded many ideas about how the ATNI methodology might be improved, which will be considered in the coming months as ATNF revises the Global Index methodology.

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