ATNi's Investors in Nutrition and Health

As shareholders and bondholders of most of the companies rated on our Indexes, institutional investors have the potential to drive substantial change in these companies’ commitments, practices and disclosure on nutrition. 

ATNi works extensively with the investment community to ensure that our Indexes are designed to provide them with the in-depth information they need on companies’ performance on nutrition not available from any other source. Investors can then use our Indexes and reports in their ESG research, investment analysis and engagement.

ATNi supports Investors in Nutrition and Health by:

  • Ensuring you are kept up to date about developments in nutrition relevant to investment 
  • Providing and developing materials to support your engagement with companies, e.g. questions to use with Investor Expectations, best-practice examples 
  • Access to ATNi research analysts 
  • The development of research to help build the case for nutrition as a material issue for industry, such as the Materiality of Nutrition report (cont.)
  • Publicising via our website and social media the work of the investor signatories to amplify their own communications 
  • Communicating investor and finance sector perspectives at nutrition events and conferences 
  • Growing the signatory base 
  • Maintaining the Investor Portal on the website, with relevant materials, news and links to our work and that of other relevant organisations 
  • Facilitating collaborative investor engagement with companies ranked in our Indexes and publishing engagement analysis reports 

2021-23 Engagement Analysis Report
2018-20 Engagement Analysis Report

Investor Expectations on Diets, Nutrition & Health

ATNi’s Investor Expectations were published in July 2020, following consultations with institutional investors. They are a framework to interpret ATNi’s indexes to support greater investor engagement with companies to address global nutrition challenges and deliver the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Signatories to the Investor Expectations will have access to the Investor portal – a password-protected nutrition and finance resource hub – and ATNi’s expertise and support for their research and engagement. 


If you are interested in becoming a signatory and pledging your support for ATNi’s work, please contact There is no fee, and no reporting requirements associated with becoming a signatory. 

ATNi Investor Expectations

Become a signatory

In this groundbreaking report, ATNi and Planet Tracker build the business case for investment in nutrition. It analyses 20 of the largest global food manufacturers and compares the healthiness of their food product portfolios with their profits and market valuations.  

Materiality of Nutrition report

The report finds an association between companies with healthier food product portfolios and higher profitability in comparison to their unhealthy peers, creating opportunities for investors. However, poor disclosure and a general lack of information observed constitutes a risk for investors and makes definitive conclusions difficultindicating a need for greater study and analysis. 

Below you can see the updated list of the investor signatories that have signed up to ATNi's Investor Expectations on Diets, Nutrition and Health, representing over USD 21 trillion AUM (last updated in September 2024).

1 Aberdeen Standard Investments UK
2 Abakkus Asset Manager IN
3 Achmea Investment Management NL
4 Aikya Investment Management UK
5 Allianz Global Investors DE
6 Alquity Investment Management UK
7 AMP Capital AU
8 Amundi FR
9 Apostle Funds Management AU
10 Arisaig Partners SG
11 Australian Ethical Investment AU
12 Aviva UK
13 AXA Investments FR
14 BancoPosta Fondi Sgr IT
15 BNP Paribas Investment Partners FR
16 Boston Common Asset Management US
17 Boston Trust Walden US
18 Calvert US
19 Candriam Investors Group FR
20 Cardano NL
21 CBF Church of England Fund UK
22 CCLA Investment Management UK
23 Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church UK
24 Church Commissioners for England UK
25 Church of England Pensions Board UK
26 Columbia Threadneedle Investments US
27 Cometa IT
28 CommonSpirit Health US
29 Coöperatie VGZ NL
30 CZ Group NL
31 DNB Asset Management NO
32 Domini Social Investments US
33 DSP Asset Managers IN
34 EdenTree Investment Management UK
35 Epworth Investment Management UK
36 EQ Investors UK
37 Ethical Partners Fund Management AU
38 Ethos Foundation CH
39 Everence and the Praxis Mutual Funds US
40 Fukoku Capital Management, Inc. JP
41 Friends Fiduciary Corporation US
42 GAM Investments CH
43 Globalance CH
44 Guy’s and St. Thomas’s Charity Endowment Fund UK
45 Hermes EOS UK
46 Hexavest CA
48 Impax Asset Management UK
49 J Safra Sarasin CH
50 JLens US
51 KLP Kapitlalforvaltning NO
53 Lion Trust UK
54 Local Authority Pension Fund Forum UK
55 Local Government Super AU
56 Longview Partners UK
57 Mercy Investment Services US
58 Mirova FR
59 MUFG Asset Management JP
60 NEI Investments CA
61 Ocean Dial Asset Management UK
62 Nomura Asset Management JP
63 Pax World Management US
64 Pictet Group CH
66 PosteVita IT
67 Quantum IN
68 Rathbones Greenbank UK
69 Resona Asset Management JP
70 Robeco NL
71 RRSE – Le Regroupement pour la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises CA
72 Sanso IS FR
73 Sarasin & Partners CH
74 Schroders UK
75 Seventh Generation Interfaith US
76 Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia US
77 Socially Responsible Investment Coalition US
78 Stichting Pensioenfonds Huisartsen NL
79 Storebrand NO
80 T. Rowe Price US
81 The Health Foundation UK
82 Trillium Asset Management US
83 Trinity Health US
84 Triodos Investment Management NL
85 Trusteam Finance FR
86 UBS Asset Management GLOBAL
87 Unicredit Pension Fund IT
88 Vancity Investment Management CA

Signatories to the Investor Expectations will have access to the Investor portal – a password-protected nutrition and finance resource hub – and ATNi’s expertise and support for their research and engagement.


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